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Faculty Profile
Eliezer Gurarie

Orange horizontal rule

Assistant Professor

Department of Environmental Biology
206 Illick Hall


PhD, University of Washington, 2008

Quantitative wildlife ecology, co-production of knowledge, animal movements, spatial ecology, habitat use, behavior, cognition, population ecology, community ecology, statistical methods, mathematical modeling, remote sensing, predator-prey interactions, wildlife disease. 

Assistant Professor

Potential graduate students or post-docs are encouraged to email me 如果有兴趣加入一个充满活力和多样化的研究实验室,探索野生动物生态学的基本特征.

Lab website

Research summary

The world is incredibly complex and dynamic. 对于所有动物生存的特定生物和非生物环境也是如此. Food resources alone can be patchy or cryptic, can appear and disappear, sometimes even run around themselves. 然而,动物管理(主要)是为了导航、生存、繁殖和生存. 在最广泛的层面上,我的研究解决了这个问题:如何做到这一点!?

To that end, and with countless collaborators & students, I apply a wide range of overlapping approaches. 我们开发了用于分析动物运动、生存和行为的统计工具. 我们开发和探索理论模型来构建问题和探索场景. 也许最重要的是,我们试图以富有洞察力和创造性的方式收集和分析现场数据.

Several major current research projects include:

  • Fate of the caribou: Migratory caribou movements, behaviors and populations, 重点是气候变化和人类发展对加拿大北部和阿拉斯加的影响. 这项工作集中了当地和土著的知识和关切, combining movement, 生存和监测数据与下一代遥感-冰雪, of vegetation, 温度和风的变化,从而将北极标志性物种的戏剧性人口统计学联系起来.

  • Cognitive movement ecology: Exploring through theory, conceptual development, 并创新实证分析空间记忆的作用, learning, and sociality shape the way animals use space.

  • Coexistence ecology: Drivers, 共存与竞争的机制与结构(直接与表观), with a special focus on meso-carnivores (土狼,山猫,鱼,狐狸,浣熊,貂)在纽约和邻近的州.

  • Predator-prey disease dynamics:狼对白尾鹿的(选择性)捕食对减缓中西部上部慢性消耗性疾病的传播有什么影响?

  • Statistical tools: Development of analysis tools (with “fun” names like smoovemarchercyclomortTuktuTools),以促进从复杂数据,特别是在运动和生存方面的生态学推断.

My Google Profile Page has up-to date links to peer-reviewed publications.

(formal) Education

2008 - Ph.D. in Quantitive Ecology and Resource Management at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

2000 - D.E.A. (M.S. equiv) in Environmental Geosciences at the 欧洲环境与环境与健康科学研究中心, Marseille, France

1998 - B.S./B.A. in Physics and Literature at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.

Lab members

Dr. Ophélie Couriot (post-doc)

... 野生动物生态学家关注的是野生动物对全球变化的反应吗. In particular, 人类引起的气候和环境变化对动物运动行为的影响. ophsamlie研究了从个体到群体的几个尺度上的机制, 特别关注北美北极地区贫瘠的驯鹿.

她在法国图卢兹大学(University of Toulouse)获得博士学位. Mark Hewison, Dr. Nicolas Morellet(国家农业研究所), Food and the Environment, 法国[INRAe]和野生动物生态与行为[CEFS]实验室, and Dr. 索尼娅Saïd(国家狩猎和野生动物办公室[ONCFS]), 研究了资源和风险分布的时空变化对欧洲两种大型低地食草动物狍和马鹿运动和活动模式的影响.

Current Graduate Advisees

Chloe BeaupreChloe Beaupre

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Gurarie
  • Area of Study: Environmental Biology

Personal Statement
Chloe is pursuing a PhD in Dr. Gurarie’s lab. 她着迷于运动生态学,她的目标是追求能够填补信息空白并可应用于重要管理行动的研究. 在完成了环境管理硕士双学位后,克洛伊最近从科罗拉多州的西坡搬到了锡拉丘兹, Master of Science in Ecology), 在那里,她研究了娱乐活动对鹿和麋鹿的影响,以及需要部署多少个GPS项圈来绘制科罗拉多州大量有蹄类物种的迁徙和分布情况.

Ekaterina KhadonovaEkaterina Khadonova

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Gurarie
  • Area of Study: Environmental Biology

Personal Statement
I am currently a masters student in Dr. Gurarie的野生动物生态学实验室探索环境生物学的各个方面. Prior to commencing my SUNY 网赌平台 journey, 我在大西洋学院获得了人类生态学学位, 在那里我有机会在各种生态系统中工作, including Maine coast and islands, Costa Rica, and my home, Russia. 我的主要目标是致力于保护维持濒危和受威胁物种的复杂系统. 我热衷于将人类和野生动物的保护结合起来, 我试图通过结合实地调研来完成的, modeling, policy, and public outreach for the projects I am involved with.

Graduate Research Topic
研究了狼的选择性捕食对大湖区西部白尾鹿慢性消耗性疾病(CWD)传播的影响, 由鹿和狼的监测和行为数据提供的捕食者-猎物-疾病模型, including human interventions (e.g., harvest).

Favorite Quote
“现在我明白了,上大学和接受教育的重要原因之一是要了解你一生所相信的事情都不是真的, and that nothing is what it appears to be.” ― Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon

Sydney OpelSydney Opel

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Gurarie
  • Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology

Personal Statement
Sydney是Elie Gurarie实验室的硕士生,对食肉动物保护和生态学很感兴趣. Her goal is to seek a better understanding of movement, 食肉动物的行为和营养相互作用,以帮助保护和保存食肉动物在其原生栖息地.

Megan PerraMegan Perra

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Gurarie
  • Area of Study: Environmental Biology

Personal Statement
Megan是Gurarie实验室的一名博士生,她对诸如音景和种间发声等生物线索如何影响驯鹿的运动决策感兴趣. 更简单地说:驯鹿是否会偷听音景,以帮助它们找到良好的栖息地? 她在阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学完成了硕士学位, 在那里她研究了驯鹿的听觉生理学和北极海岸平原的音景.