







  • efb101 -有机体生物学与生态学讲座
  • efb102 -有机体生物学和生态学实验室
  • EFB 104 -细胞生物学和遗传学实验室
  • efb132 -环境简介研讨会 & 森林生物学
  • efb202 -生态监测和生物多样性评估
  • efb320 -一般生态学
  • esf296 -综合普通化学和生物学I & 2实验室
  • esf296 -科学传播研讨会


  • Dept. 环境生物学
    • 本科课程主任
    • 课程,课程 & 评估委员会
    • 环境生物学课程协调员
    • 环境教育 & 口译代理课程协调员
  • 全校
    • 学院管治及学生事务委员会前任委员 & Chair
    • 学院管治执行委员会前任委员
    • 第一年学习社区团队
    • CSTEP顾问


My research interests focus on understanding the effects of forest management practices and land-use history on forest biodiversity and ecosystem processes. I have quantified the relationship between disturbance regimes and northern hardwood forest structural heterogeneity (e.g., 腐烂的木头, snags, 颓废的树, 根扔), and my colleagues and I are determining how these structural features influence the composition of vascular plant, 苔藓植物, lichen, 两栖动物和无脊椎动物群落. This research is being applied to develop forest management guidelines that will more effectively maintain biodiversity while permitting the sustained yield of forest products.

另外, I am investigating the capacity of native forest herb communities to reassemble in seral forests that have established after agricultural abandonment and am developing a regional citizen science program to actively restore native woodland herb communities to post-agricultural woodlands.

最后, 我正在与网赌平台的同事合作开发新的, 化学入门教学的综合方法, 生物学与通讯.



艾姆斯T., M.K. 布利斯和G.G. McGee. 2023. Effects of dispersed and aggregated retention on epiphtytic microarthropod assemblages: a northern hardwood forest case study. 树木、森林和人. 14:100463. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tfp.2023.100463.  

Nash, J.M., M.A. Vadeboncoeur G.G. 麦基,C.W. 伍德尔和R.D. Yanai. 2023. Biomass accumulation in trees and downed wood in northern hardwood forests: repeated measures of a successional chronosequence in New Hampshire, USA. 加拿大森林研究杂志. http://doi.org/10.1139 / cjfr - 2023 - 0060.

阿里亚斯,M., G. 麦基和M. Dovciak. 2022. Persistent effects of land-use history on myrmechochorous plant and epigeic ant assemblages across an ecoregional gradient in 纽约 State. 生物多样性及保育 1-21. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-022-02532-4. 

加德纳,M., N.艾布拉姆斯克. 麦基和E. Hogan. 2022. New community creation through a shared biology-chemistry-communications laboratory model for first-year STEM majors. 大学科学教学学报 51(5):46-52.

诺兰,米., E.E. Folta和G.G. McGee. 2022. The importance of a comparison group and long-term follow-up in evaluating environmental education experiences. 环境与科学教育跨学科杂志.  18(4):e2277.

基尔,N.G., G. 格里菲思和G.G. McGee. 2020. Can disruption of an ant-plant mutualism explain a lack of recovery of forest herbs in post-agricultural forests of 纽约? 东北部的博物学家 27(2):215-228.

Goldspiel H.B., J.B. 科恩,克.G. 麦基和J.P. Gibbs. 2019. Forest land-use history affects outcomes of habitat augmentation for amphibian conservation. 全球生态与保育 19(2019), e00686.

麦基,G.G., M.E. 卡登和D.H. Kiernan. 2019. 糖枫(宏碁蔗糖 Marshall) bark and stemflow characteristics: implications for epiphytic 苔藓植物 communities. 东北部的博物学家 26(1):214-235.

格里菲思,G.R. and G.G. McGee. 2018. Lack of herbaceous layer community recovery in postagricultural forests across three physiographic regions of 纽约. 托里植物学会杂志 145(1):1-20.

哈西特,米.R. and G.G. McGee. 2017. Negative binomial hurdle models to estimate flower production for native and non-native northeastern shrub taxa. 森林科学 63(6):577-585.

Keeton W.S., A.A. 惠特曼,G.G. 麦基和C.L. Goodale. 2011. Late-successional biomass development in northern hardwood-conifer forests of the northeastern United States. 森林科学 57:489-505.

根,H.T., G.G. 麦基和R.D. Nyland. 2007. Effects of two silvicultural management regimes with large tree retention on epiphytic lichen communities in Adirondack northern hardwoods, 纽约, USA. 加拿大森林研究杂志 37:1854-1866.

根,H.T., G.G. 麦基和R.A. Norton. 2007.  Arboreal mite communities on epiphytic lichens of the Adirondack Mountains of 纽约, USA. 东北博物学家 14:425-438.

麦基,G.G., M.J. 米切尔,维.J. 利奥波德,D.J. 雷纳和M. Mbila. 2007. The influence of forest age and composition on elemental dynamics of Adirondack northern hardwood forests. 托里植物学会杂志. 134:253-268.

麦基,G.G., M.J. 米切尔,维.J. 利奥波德和D.J. Raynal. 2007. Effects of tree-fall gap zones on soil nutrients within an old-growth Adirondack northern hardwood forest. 托里植物学会杂志. 134:269-280.

Pardo L.H., P.H. 坦普勒,C.L. Goodale,年代. 杜克,P.M. Groffman, M.B. 亚当斯,P. Boeckx J. 伯格斯J. 坎贝尔,B. 科尔曼J. 康普顿,B. 艾美特,P. 甘德森J. Kjonaas G. 洛维特,M. 麦克,. 马米. Mbila, M.J. 米切尔,克. 麦基,年代. McNulty, K. Nadelhoffer,年代. Ollinger D. Ross, H. Rueth L. 而鲁斯塔德P. Schaberg,年代. 希夫,P. Schleppi J. 斯波尔斯特拉和W. Wessell. 2006. 利用叶和根的δ15N评价区域氮饱和度. 生物地球化学 80:143-171.

麦基,G.G. and R.W. Kimmerer. 2004. Dispersal and establishment regulate epiphytic 苔藓植物 communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests: evidence from transplants. 的Bryologist 107:302-311.

米切尔,米.J., C.T. 德里斯科尔,年代. Inamdar G.G. 麦基,M.O. 姆比拉和D.J. Raynal. 2003. Nitrogen biogeochemistry in the Adirondack Mountains of 纽约: hardwood ecosystems and associated surface waters. 环境污染 123:355-364.

Forrester J.A., G.G. 麦基和M.J. 米切尔. 2003. Effects of beech bark disease on aboveground biomass and species composition in a mature northern hardwood forest, 1985 to 2000. 托里植物学会杂志 130:70-78.

麦基,G.G. and R.W. Kimmerer. 2002. Forest age and management effects on epiphytic 苔藓植物 communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests, 纽约, USA. 加拿大森林研究杂志.32:1562-1576.

麦基,G.G. 2001. The influence of 腐烂的木头 on understory vascular plant communities in Adirondack northern hardwood forests. 托里植物学会杂志. 128:370-380.

麦基,G.G. 2000. The contribution of beech bark disease-induced mortality to coarse woody debris loads in northern hardwood stands of Adirondack Park, 纽约, USA.  加拿大森林研究杂志 30:1453-1462.

麦基,G.G., D.J. 利奥波德和R.D. Nyland. 1999. Structural characteristics of old-growth, maturing, and partially-cut northern hardwood stands. 生态应用程序 9:1316-1329.

麦基,G.G. and J.P. 伯明翰. 1997. 腐烂的原木在北方阔叶林中作为发芽地. 北方应用林业杂志 14:178-192.

麦基,G.G., D.J. 利奥波德和R.D. Nyland. 1995.  Understory response to springtime prescribed fire in two 纽约 transition oak forests.  森林生态与管理 76: 149-168.

Ostrofsky, M.L. and G.G. McGee. 1991.  Spatial variation in the distribution of phosphorus species in the surficial sediments of Canadohta Lake, Pennsylvania: implications for internal phosphorus loading estimates. 加拿大渔业与水产科学杂志 48:233-237.



麦基,G.G. 2018. 生物多样性. In: A. 巴顿和W. Keeton (eds.东部原生林生态与恢复. 台湾媒体. 


Misc. 刊物及报告

麦基,G.G. and M.J. 米切尔.  2010.  Assessment of Nitrogen and Acid Deposition Impacts to Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems of the Tug Hill, 2005-2007. 纽约 State Energy 研究 and Development Authority, Report 11-06.  奥尔巴尼,纽约.

麦基,G.G. 2008. 鲑鱼河流域自然资源评价. Prepared for The 纽约 State Tug Hill Commission, Watertown, NY. 268 pp.

麦基,G.G. 2008. 鲑鱼河流域自然资源可行性分析. Prepared for The 纽约 State Tug Hill Commission, Watertown, NY.  259 pp.

麦基,G.G. 2007. Forest Ecosystem Management: A New Paradigm for Preserving Forest Biodiversity. 保护教育工作者和实践者网络, 美国自然历史博物馆, 纽约, NY.



米切尔,米.J., G. 麦基,P. 麦克海尔和K.C. 天气. 2001. Experimental Design and Instrumentation for Analyzing Solute Concentrations and Fluxes for Quantifying Biogeochemical Processes in Watersheds. 页15至21 In程序: The 4th International Conference on Long Term Ecological 研究 (LTER) in East Asian and Pacific Region, Ulaanbaatar-Hatgal、蒙古.  2001年过滤器网络.

Skoff D.E., B.J. 希尔和G.G. McGee. 1989. Development of Pennsylvania environmental policy and opportunities for impact. p. 389-408 In: Cole, C.A. and D.A. 长(eds.) Hazardous and Industrial Wastes: 诉讼 of the 21st Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference. Technomic,兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州.



  • 程度上寻求: MS
  • 研究生导师(s): 麦基和尼布莱德
  • 研究范围:环境 & 森林生物学


  • 程度上寻求: MS
  • 研究生导师(s): Mcgee
  • 研究范围:环境 & 森林生物学


  • 程度上寻求: MS
  • 研究生导师(s): 基默和麦基
  • 研究范围: ESC耦合的自然和人类系统


  • 程度上寻求: MS
  • 研究生导师(s): Mcgee
  • 研究范围:环境 & 森林生物学