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Great Lakes 研究 Consortium
Student Activities

Annual Student 研究 Conferences

Historically, the GLRC has held an annual conference focused on providing students (and faculty) with an opportunity to share the results of their research and network with students from campuses interested in Great Lake issues. With many campus based opportunities for students to do research presentations now available, the GLRC Board of Governors and Campus Representatives are investigating other options to further engage students and faculty.

GLRC Internship Program

的 Great Lakes 研究 Consortium offers two types of internships. 首先是 a local internship program that attempts to match students with researchers looking for student help. 需求 vary by position and often occur in the summer months. Faculty members interested in advertising internship positions through the GLRC website and newsletters should prepare a short description of the duties and responsibilities and send it to the GLRC办公室. 

second internship type provides matching funds through the GLRC. To qualify for GLRC matching funds, the position must meet the following criteria:

  • 的 intern position must be filled with a student from a GLRC member institution other than the faculty member's home campus.
  • 的 host faculty member must provide a 50% matching support. This can be through state, Federal, private or institutional funding.
  • GLRC funds cannot exceed $3,000 and are usually provided after invoicing by your local research foundation and verification of the matching support. For more information, you may wish to contact the GLRC Director at early in the hiring process.

GRLC faculty are encouraged to advertise other job opportunities on the GLRC website 也. As a service to its student members, the GLRC 也 lists internship opportunities at locations other than its member institutions. This includes great lakes-related summer REU programs and other opportunities. 

Other "Past" 事件


To facilitate students meeting other students with Great Lakes interests, the GLRC has helped sponsor the clean-up of one of Lake Ontario’s beaches as part of National 海滩上的日子. 的se activities have played an important role in introducing students to the Great Lakes Community, while providing them with an opportunity to give something back to our Great Lakes.

Great Lakes Day in Albany

Helping students to understand the importance of their research in the greater New York State Arena has always been a focal point for the GLRC. This has been done through our travel awards and annual conference. In 2009, the GLRC expanded those efforts and participated in Great Lakes Day in Albany. GLRC, with help from New York Sea Grant and the generous sponsorship of Senators DeFrancisco and Maziarz, sponsored a poster session in Albany on Great Lakes Day where students had an opportunity to present the results of their research to our state legislatures, providing them with an opportunity to better understand the legislative process as it applies to our Great Lakes.

学生 attending the event had the opportunity to meet other Great Lakes researchers, policy makers and environmental advocates. Posters submitted from GLRC member campuses across the state were selected on the basis of their relevance to Great Lakes research 和/或政策.

In past years, the GLRC has supported 17 students’ participation in the Great Lakes Day in Albany poster session through travel support, providing information on the legislative process, and by arranging meetings with their respective legislative representatives. Posters selected for Great Lakes Day 2010 were 也 displayed at the Great Lakes 研究 Consortium Annual Conference March 19th-20th, 2010 hosted at 博彩平台养.